Provision of Scholarships

In Nigeria, the concept of early childhood education does exist but for the privilege few, usually those from the affluent families. In Ortese village, in every ten children, only one might be going to school. The public school system is completely non-existent. The situation is even worse for girls as they are regularly lured or often forced into unprepared and underaged marriages. Families live on less than one dollar a day. Children spend more time working on farms and doing other manual work like selling of fruits or other jobs that are bad for their health. Give to Educate the Poor’s emphasis is making education available and affordable to all the children of Ortese village but with a preferential option for girl’s education. Due to extreme poverty and a lack of assistance, girls pay much of the price as they are rushed into motherhood when they are still children themselves.
Give to educate the poor Inc is a voice for these voiceless children with the goal of soliciting sponsorships and donations to St Mary’s Academy Ortese to help make education available and affordable to the children. These sponsorships and donations will cover tuition as well as books, school supplies, uniforms, and help pay teachers’ salaries.

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